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İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Yüksekokulu / Istanbul Gelisim University School of Health Sciences

Güncel Gönderiler

Listeleniyor 1 - 20 / 158
  • Öğe
    Immediate effects of soft tissue mobilization and percussive massage on balance in young adults with pes planus: A single blind, randomized controlled pilot study
    (ELSEVIER, RADARWEG 29, 1043 NX AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 2024) Kethüdaoğlu, Mustafa Oğuz; Özdemir, Ayşem Ecem; Kaya Sağlam, Öznür; Çağlar, Engin; Meran Çağlar, Meltem; Demir, Gökhan; Duymaz, Tomris
    Background: Presence of pes planus is known to effect balance. In this study, it was aimed to examine the immediate effects of IASTM and PMT on static and dynamic balance in young adults with pes planus. Method: The navicular drop test was used to diagnose pes planus. 51 individuals were included in the study and divided into three groups [IASTM (n:15), percussive massage (n:18) and control (n:18) groups] by simple randomization. Flamingo and Y Balance test was assessed before and immediately after intervention. Repeated Measures ANOVA test was used for the intergroup comparison, and the One-Way ANOVA test was used for the intragroup comparison, also post-hoc test with Tukey correction was performed. Results: There was no significant difference in static balance between the three groups (p > 0.05). There was a significant difference in dynamic balance between groups (p < 0.05). Only IASTM group had significant differences at before and after intervention of all directions except for posterolateral direction of Y Balance Test (p < 0.05). Conclusion: IASTM applied to the plantar fascia of individuals with pes planus have immediate effects on dynamic balance when compared to no intervention and percussive massage even within a small sample size.
  • Öğe
    Functional connectivity patterns in parosmia
    (BMC, CAMPUS, 4 CRINAN ST, LONDON N1 9XW, ENGLAND, 2023) Thaploo, Divesh; Joshi, Akshita; Yılmaz, Eren; Yıldırım, Düzgün; Altundağ, Aytuğ; Hummel, Thomas
    Objective Parosmia is a qualitative olfactory dysfunction presenting as“distorted odor perception” in presence of an odor source. Aim of this study was to use resting state functional connectivity to gain more information on the alteration of olfactory processing at the level of the central nervous system level. Methods A cross sectional study was performed in 145 patients with parosmia (age range 20–76 years; 90 women). Presence and degree of parosmia was diagnosed on the basis of standardized questionnaires. Participants also received olfactory testing using the “Snifn’ Sticks”. Then they underwent resting state scans using a 3 T magnetic resonance imaging scanner while fxating on a cross. Results Whole brain analyses revealed reduced functional connectivity in salience as well as executive control networks. Region of interest-based analyses also supported reduced functional connectivity measures between primary and secondary olfactory eloquent areas (temporal pole, supramarginal gyrus and right orbitofrontal cortex; dorsolateral pre-frontal cortex and the right piriform cortex). Conclusions Participants with parosmia exhibited a reduced information fow between memory, decision making centers, and primary and secondary olfactory areas.
  • Öğe
    “It was the first time someone had died before my eyes…”: A qualitative study on the first death experiences of nursing students
    Background: Accompanying a person at their death is a common experience in nurse education. In addition to all death experiences that are a meaningful part of the nursing profession, the first death experience is very important. However, there is limited understanding of nursing students’ first death experiences. Objectives: This study aimed to explore nursing students’ experiences of the death of a person for the first time during clinical practice. Design: This study was conducted as a qualitative study using a phenomenological design. Participants: A total of 17 nursing students participated in this study. Methods: Data were collected through online individual in-depth interviews and were analyzed using content analysis. Results: Four main themes and eleven sub-themes emerged. The themes were meaning of death (first death, a part of life), process management (death information, physical environment, bad news), after death (empty bed, questioning, death with dignity) and education (curriculum, support, professional perception). Conclusions: While the first experience of death provides an opportunity for students to learn, this experience reveals various negative emotions and the need for support.
  • Öğe
    Alzheimer, Parkinson, dementia, and phytochemicals: insight review
    (TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC, 530 WALNUT STREET, STE 850, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106, 2024) Can, Başak; Şanlıer, Nevin
    Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and dementia are the leading neurodegenerative diseases that threaten the world with the aging population. Although the pathophysiology of each disease is unique, the steps to be taken to prevent diseases are similar. One of the changes that a person can make alone is to gain the habit of an antioxidant-rich diet. Phytochemicals known for their antioxidant properties have been reported to prevent neurodegenerative diseases in various studies. Phytochemicals with similar chemical structures are grouped. Accordingly, there are two main groups of phytochemicals, flavonoid and non-flavonoid. Various in vitro and in vivo studies on phytochemicals have proven neuroprotective effects by increasing cognitive function with their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant mechanisms. The purpose of this review is to summarize the in vitro and in vivo studies on phytochemicals with neuroprotective effects and to provide insight.
  • Öğe
    Comparison of several anthropometric measurements and blood lipid‑related indexes in metabolic-dysfunction associated fatty liver disease in adults: A cross-sectional study
    (YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIV, YILDIZ CAMPUS, BESIKTAS, ISTANBUL 34349, TURKEY, 2024) Bayram, Hatice Merve; İliaz, Raim; Öztürkcan, S. Arda; Dündar, Bagnu; Güneş, Fatma Esra
    Dyslipidemia is strongly related to metabolic-dysfunction associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD). Therefore, the lipid profile may be a potential indicator of defining MAFLD. Anthropometric measurements are widely used as simple and practicable tools to screen metabolic dysfunction, and no study determined the relationship between anthropometric measurements and blood lipid-related indexes. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between several anthropometric measurements and blood lipid-related indexes in MAFLD patients. This study was conducted among 123 MAFLD patients in a private University Hospital in Istanbul, Turkey, between 01.06.2021 – 30.12.2021. Anthropometric and biochemical measurements were taken from all patients. Hepatic steatosis was determined using ultrasonography. SPSS was used to analyze the data. Neck circumference (NC) was moderately associated with triglyceride glucose index (TyG) in both genders. It was found that there was a moderate correlation between NC and cardiometabolic index (CMI), triglyceride (TG), and triglyceride to high-density lipoprotein ratio (TG/HDL-C) in women, whereas it was weakly correlated with CMI index in men. Neck-to-height ratio (NHtR) was moderately associated with CMI, and TyG indexes in women, while it was weakly correlated with TyG index in men. There was a moderate association between waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL-C) in women. However, it was only weakly correlated with CMI index in men. It was observed that the waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) was only linked with TyG index in men. Additionally, the body mass index (BMI) and blood lipid-related indicators had no association. Our finding suggests that both NC and NHtR could be used to predict the risk of dyslipidemia in MAFLD, especially among women.
  • Öğe
    Postural control and ankle joint functions: an investigation on collegiate female volleyball players
    (TERMEDIA PUBLISHING HOUSE LTD, KLEEBERGA 2, POZNAN, 61-615, POLAND, 2024) Özdemir, Ayşem Ecem; Yazıcı Mutlu, Çiğdem
    Purpose. Ankle injuries are common in volleyball players and are linked to the athlete’s postural control. The aim of the report is to investigate the differences between ankle functions and postural control ability of volleyball players and controls, and also the relationship between the variables in order to understand the factors affecting postural control. Methods. 40 female participants (age: 21.18 ± 0.27, volleyball players/controls: 20/20) were included in the study. Ankle functions (joint range of motion (ROM), joint position sense (JPS), vibration and isometric muscle strength) and postural control variables (anterior-posterior and medial-lateral sway velocity, ellipse area and perimeter) were evaluated by static stability test. The differences between the groups and the correlation between variables were analysed. Results. Significant differences favoured the volleyball group in ankle dorsiflexion, inversion, and eversion ROM, JPS, dorsiflexor and plantar flexor isometric muscle strength, and postural control variables (p < 0.05). However, the control group demonstrated superior vibration sensitivity on the 1st and 5th metatarsal heads (p < 0.05). A significant correlation was observed between the anterior-posterior sway velocity and dorsiflexion ROM, medial-lateral sway velocity and sway area with inversion ROM, sway area and vibration threshold in the 1st and 5th metatarsal heads (p < 0.05). Conclusions. Volleyball players showed better results in ankle ROM, JPS, muscle strength and postural control. In addition to the similarities in ankle plantar flexion ROM, invertor and evertor isometric muscle strength between the groups, the controls showed better vibration sensitivity; which reveals potential causes of ankle injuries in volleyball players. Ankle function variables are found to be linked to postural control, highlighting the need to evaluate these functions for injury prevention.
  • Öğe
    Utilization of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation In Pediatric Cardiac Surgery: A Single Center Experience, 34 Cases in 8 Years
    (BRIEFLAND, 25 Derde Morgen , Shertogenbosch 5233 NL, NETHERLANDS, 2017) Zeybek, Cenap; Avşar, Mustafa Kemal; Yıldırım, Özgür; Özyüksel, Arda; Bilal, Mehmet Salih
    Background: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is used in a variety of indications worldwide. One of the most important subsets is postoperative congenital cardiac surgery cases unresponsive to conventional therapies. In this study, we present our ECMO experience in a single congenital cardiac surgery center. Methods: ECMO was used in a total of 34 postoperative congenital cardiac surgery cases, whose operations had been performed by the same congenital cardiac surgery team. Patients’ ages were between 3 days to 15 years. ECMO was used in four different indications; in case of unsuccessful weaning from cardiopulmonary bypass (OR-ECMO), in low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS-ECMO), in refractory post cardiac arrest (CPR-ECMO) and in respiratory insufficiency after RSV infection (RSV-ECMO). Results: The follow-up period of patients ranged from 1 to 80 months, whereas ECMO duration ranged from 23 to 2218 hours. Six cases were OR-ECMO, 13 were LCOS-ECMO, 12 were CPR-ECMO and 3 were RSV-ECMO. Out of a total of 34 cases, 20 (58%) cases were weaned from ECMO. Two of the patients, who were able to be weaned from ECMO passed away in the hospital; however, the other 18 patients (52.9%) were discharged from the hospital without having any significant neurological deficits. The top survival rate (69%) and weaning from ECMO was in the LCOS-ECMO group and the worst weaning from ECMO support (33%) was in the RSV-ECMO. The worst survival rate (25%) was in the CPR-ECMO group. Sepsis and associated multiple organ dysfunction were observed as the major cause of mortality in these patients. The most common complications were bleeding and mechanical complications related to cannulation. Conclusions: ECMO may be required in postoperative congenital cardiac surgery cases in whom all other conventional therapies have failed. Indications, timing and maintenance of equipment are very important points in successful ECMO management. Increasing ECMO experience in the near future, will provide much decrease in mortality of congenital cardiac surgery.
  • Öğe
    Zihinsel Engelli 3-7 Yaş Arasındaki Çocuklarda Sesletim (Artikülasyon) Bozukluklarının Değerlendirilmesi
    (GALENOS PUBL HOUSE, Kacamak Sokak 21/1, ISTANBUL, Findikzade 34093, TURKEY, 2017) Ünsal, Selim; Uçak, Meryem Merve; Bal, Fatih; Sarıgül, Ahmet Yasin; Cengiz, Deniz Uğur
    Giriş ve Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı; zihinsel engelli çocuklarda görülen artikülasyon bozukluklarını normal çocuklar ile karşılaştırıp zihinsel yetersizliğin artikülasyon bozukluğuna etkisini tespit etmektir. Yöntem ve Gereçler: Bu çalışmaya özel eğitim ve rehabilitasyon merkezine devam eden 3-7 yaş arasında 30 (23 erkek,7 kız) hafif düzey zihinsel engelli ve normal zihinsel gelişime sahip 30 (13 erkek, 17 kız) çocuk dahil edilmiştir. Her iki gruba Ankara Artikülaston Testi (AAT) uygulanmıştır. Ailenin gelir durumu, ebeveynlerin öğrenim durumu, cinsiyet ve yaş faktörlerinin artikülasyon bozukluğuna olan etkileri incelenmiştir. AAT testinden yüksek puan alınması artikülasyon bozukluğunu göstermektedir. Bulgular: Zihinsel engelli çocuklar normal çocuklara göre yüksek puan almışlardır (p=0,000). Her iki grup cinsiyete göre incelendiğinde artikülasyon puanı yönüyle anlamlı farklılık tespit edilmiştir (p?0,05). Gruplar ekonomik duruma göre incelendiğinde, orta ve altı gelir seviyesine sahip zihinsel engelli çocukların üst gelir grubundaki zihinsel engellilere göre daha az artikülasyon bozukluğu göstermiştir(p?0,05). Gruplar ebeveynlerin öğrenim durumuna göre incelendiğinde, lise altı anne ve babanın öğrenim durumuna göre gruplar karşılaştırıldığında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık elde edilmezken (p>0,05), lise üstü öğrenim durumuna göre gruplar arası anlamlı fark görülmüştür (p?0,05). Her iki grup yaşa göre incelendiğinde artikülasyon puanı yönüyle 3,4 yaşta anlamlı bir fark görülmezken, (p>0,05) 5,6,7 yaşta her iki grup arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark mevcuttur (p?0,05). Tartışma ve Sonuç: Hafif derecede zihinsel engeli olan çocuklardaki artikülasyon bozukluğu, normal gelişim gösteren çocuklara göre daha fazla görülmektedir.
  • Öğe
    A novel myringoplasty technique: the placement of a complementary graft descending from the scutum to support an anterosuperior perforation
    (SPRINGER, ONE NEW YORK PLAZA, SUITE 4600 , NEW YORK, NY 10004, UNITED STATES, 2017) Sakallı, Erdal; Çelikyurt, Cengiz; Bişkin, Sultan; Erdurak, Selçuk Cem
    We describe a novel myringoplasty procedure. We placed a separated fascia graft descending from the scutum, combined with underlay myringoplasty, to support an anterosuperior perforation. We reviewed data from patients who underwent myringoplasty procedures to treat perforations extending into the anterosuperior quadrant of the pars tensa from October 2012 to June 2014. A total of 42 patients who were followed for a minimum of 1 year were enrolled. The same technique was used in all operations. The tympanomeatal flap was elevated from the neck of malleus up to the tip of the lateral process of malleus. The anterior mallear fold was incised to create an opening running from the neck of the malleus to the anterior tympanic spine. A separate temporal fascia graft (complementary graft) was next inserted through the opening and pushed down into the protympanum. The upper part of the fascia graft was placed over the superior bony wall of the canal. Underlay myringoplasty was then performed. The inferior part of the fascia graft was next spread out to cover the lateral surface of the underlying graft. We measured graft take rate and preoperative and postoperative hearing parameters. The graft success rate was 97.7 % (41/42 patients). The preoperative air-bone gap was 22.56 ± 18.12 dB, and the postoperative air-bone gap was 8.4 ± 10.05 dB. This difference was statistically significant (P\0.001). We believe that this myringoplasty technique is a safe, suitable, and effective for cases with tympanic membrane perforations extending into the anterosuperior quadrant of the pars tensa.
  • Öğe
    Robotik Rehabilitasyonda Klinik İhtiyaca Yönelik Farklılıklar
    (IEEE, 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA, 2017) Kınalı, Gülşah
    İnme, sıklıkla motor disfonksiyona yol açan ve engelliliğe neden olan yaygın bir hastalık halini almıştır. Alt ekstremite robotik rehabilitasyonu hastanın motor öğrenmesini arttırmak için anlamlı ve etkili eğitim yapmada yardımcı olabilir. Bu derlemede son yıllarda alt ekstremite rehabilitasyon robotlarındaki gelişmeler incelendi ve aynı zamanda klinik gereksinimler tartışıldı. Sonuç olarak, robotik rehabilitasyonun geleceği konusundaki beklentiler açıklandı.
  • Öğe
    Comparative Analysis of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Performed in the Elderly and Younger Patients: Should We Abstain from Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in the Elderly?
    (CUREUS INC, PO BOX 61002, PALO ALTO, CA 94306, 2018) Ekici, Uğur; Yılmaz, Serhan; Tatlı, Faik
    Background: The elderly population is gradually increasing due to an increase in the quality of life and therefore the frequency of gallbladder stones in the population is also increasing. However, a considerable number of physicians tend to postpone or solve the problem with medical treatment instead of performing surgery in the elderly patients. In this study, we aim to compare the outcomes of laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) in the elderly and younger patients. Material and Methods: The medical records of 665 patients undergoing LC were evaluated retrospectively. The patients were divided into two groups: ?60 years of age and <60 years of age. Ages, genders, comorbid diseases, indications of surgery, American Society of Anesthesiologists scores, whether it is converted to an open cholecystectomy or not, reasons for conversion if it is converted, total duration of surgery, initiation of oral nutrition, duration of discharge, and postoperative complications of the patients in both groups were recorded. Results: The American Society of Anesthesiologists scores were statistically significantly higher in ?60 years age group (p<0.001). The rate of experiencing acute cholecystitis with a stone in the gallbladder was significantly higher in the 60 years group (p=0.025). Comorbidity was statistically significantly higher in the ?60 years age group (p<0.001). Hospitalization period, the mean hour of initiation of oral nutrition were statistically significantly higher in the ?60 years age group (p<0.001, p=0.001). Conversion to an open cholecystectomy and postoperative complication rates of the ?60 years age group were statistically significantly higher (p=0.034, p<0.001). Conclusion: We think that LC can be safely performed in the elderly people as well. However, it should be kept in mind that comorbidity may make the surgery and postoperative follow-up period complicated.
  • Öğe
    Cervicothoracic spine duplication: a 10‑year follow up of a neurological intact boy
    (SPRINGER, ONE NEW YORK PLAZA, SUITE 4600 , NEW YORK, NY 10004, UNITED STATES, 2018) Kaya, Özcan; Ulusoy, Onur Levent; Karadereler, Selhan; Hamzaoğlu, Azmi
    Purpose Spine duplication is a very rare condition with the literature being composed of only case reports. All previously reported cases were thoracolumbar spine duplications. Here, we report cervicothoracic spine duplication in a neurological intact male. According to our knowledge, it is the frst case in the literature of cervicothoracic spine duplication. Clinical presentation A 3-year-old patient presented to a primary physician with a complaint of short stature. He was referred to our department with suspected spinal deformity. Computerized tomography imaging revealed anterior bony structure duplication and posterior dysmorphic elements at the C5–T9 levels. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a syrinx cavity which splits cord at the duplication level and the relation of the syrinx with posterior mediastinum through anterior bone defect. He was followed up for 10 years. Conclusion In the literature, spine duplication has been classifed as a severe form of split cord malformation because of the concurrence of bone duplication with split spinal cord malformation (SCM). This case presents a distinct form of SCM which shows non-duplicated dural tube as unclassifed and cervicothoracic duplication level without neurological defcitis. Treatment of SCM was based on removal of splitting fbrous/osseous process. Neurologic intact spine duplication could be followed up without surgical intervention.
  • Öğe
    Patients With Perforated Peptic Ulcers: Risk Factors for Morbidity and Mortality
    (INT COLLEGE OF SURGEONS1516 N LAKE SHORE DR, CHICAGO, IL 60610, 2018) Çiftçi, Fatih; Erözgen, Fazilet
    Perforated peptic ulcers continue to be an important problem in surgical practice. In this study, risk factors for peptic ulcer perforation-associated mortality and morbidity were evaluated. This is a retrospective study of patients surgically treated for perforated peptic ulcer over a decade (March 1999–December 2014). Patient age, sex, complaints at presentation, time lapse between onset of complaints and presentation to the hospital, physical findings, comorbidities, laboratory and imaging findings, length of hospitalization, morbidity, and mortality were recorded. The Mannheim peritonitis index (MPI) and Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II score were calculated and recorded for each patient on admission to the hospital. Of the 149 patients, mean age was 50.6 6 19 years (range: 17–86). Of these, 129 (86.5%) were males and 20 (13.4%) females. At least 1 comorbidity was found in 42 (28.1%) of the patients. Complications developed in 36 (24.1%) of the patients during the postoperative period. The most frequent complication was wound site infection. There was mortality in 26 (17.4%) patients and the most frequent cause of mortality was sepsis. Variables that were found to have statistically significant effects on morbidity included age older than 60 years, presence of comorbidities, and MPI (P ¼ 0.029, 0.013, and 0.013, respectively). In a multivariate analysis, age older than 60 years, presence of comorbidities, and MPI were independent risk factors that affected morbidity. In the multivariate logistic regression analysis, age older than 60 years [P¼0.006, odds ratio (OR)¼5.99, confidence interval (CI) ¼ 0.95] and comorbidities (OR ¼ 2.73, CI ¼ 0.95) were independent risk factors that affected morbidity. MPI and APACHE II scoring were both predictive of mortality. Age older than 60, presentation time, and MPI were independent risk factors for mortality. Undelayed diagnosis and appropriate treatment are of the utmost importance when presenting with a perforated peptic ulcer. We believe close observation of high-risk patients during the postoperative period may decrease morbidity and mortality rates.
  • Öğe
    Assessment of the rs2645424 C/T single nucleotide polymorphisms in the FDFT1 gene, hepatic expression, and serum concentration of the FDFT in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
    (ELSEVIER, RADARWEG 29, 1043 NX AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 2018) Çolak, Yaşar; Coşkunpınar, Ender M.; Senates, Ebubekir; Müşteri Oltulu, Yasemin; Yaylım, Ilhan; Kurnaz Gömleksiz, Özlem; Tiryakioğlu, N. Ozan; Hastürk, Burcu; Ekmekci, Cumhur Gökhan; Yılmaz Aydoğan, Hülya
    Despite being the most common chronic liver disease, the pathogenesis of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) still remains unclear. According to the genome-wide association studies (GWAS) alternative alleles of the farnesyl-diphosphate farnesyltransferase 1 (FDFT1) gene involved in cholesterol biosynthetic pathway are known to affect hepatic squalene synthase (SQS or FDFT) expression. Recent studies have shown that the FDFT1 gene is associated with the clinical and histopathological characteristics of patients with NAFLD and thus is a candidate gene for NAFLD susceptibility. Our aim was to investigate the effect of rs2645424 C/T single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in NAFLD patients in the Turkish population. For this purpose, 64 Turkish NAFLD patients who underwent liver biopsy and 60 Turkish healthy control subjects were included in the study. We have evaluated the rs2645424 C/T SNPs genotypes (CC, wild type; CT, heterozygous; TT, mutant type) and the hepatic expression of the FDFT1 gene with real-time PCR and serum concentration of FDFT with ELISA method. The frequencies of the FDFT1 gene rs2645424, TT, CC and TC genotypes were the similar between patients with NAFLD and controls. Additionally, there was no significant correlation between serum FDFT1 mRNA expression and histological parameters in patients with NAFLD while it was significantly higher in patients with NAFLD in comparison to the healthy controls. The expression and variants of FDFT1 gene should be investigated in larger populations and different ethnic groups in order to clarify their impact on NAFLD pathogenesis.
  • Öğe
    Effects of love glove application on vital signs for COVID-19 patients in the intensive care unit
    (WILEY111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030, 2024) Karaman, Funda; Genç, Aslı; Yerebakan Şen, Ayşe Nur; Rashidi, Mahruk; Yıldırım, Gülay; Ünsal Jafarov, Gülşah; Acar, Rabia; Saygın Şahin, Buse
    Aim: To evaluate the effects of love glove application on vital signs for COVID-19 patients in the intensive care unit. Design: A single-group pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design was used. TREND Statement Checklist was followed during the present study. Methods: The study was conducted on 30 intubated/extubated adult patients. The gloves were filled with warm water and air to prevent pressure injuries. Then they were tied together and applied to both hands of the patient for 30?min. The patient's vital signs were recorded before and after the application. A Wilcoxon signed-rank test was performed. Results: It was determined that respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and oxygen saturation were significantly affected after the application of the love glove. The application of love gloves is a cheap and non-pharmacological method with no side effects. Patient or Public Contribution: Patients were involved in the design and conduct of this study.
  • Öğe
    Are Refugee and Native Patients’ Self-Care Agencies the Same?-A Cross-sectional Study in Chronic Hemodialysis Patients in Turkey
    (GALENOS PUBL HOUSEKacamak Sokak 21/1, ISTANBUL, Findikzade 34093, TURKEY, 2023) Kıskaç, Neşe; Rashidi, Mahruk; Cebeci, Egemen; Çoban, İlkay; Şekerci, Abdüsselam
    Objective: It was aimed to compare self-care agency of refugee and native populations in chronic hemodialysis patients. Methods: The study was conducted with 33 refugees and 48 native patients in the hemodialysis unit of a training and research hospital in our country. Data were collected through face-to-face questionnaire. IBM SPSS statistics program was used to evaluate the data. Results: In the study, there was a significant difference between two populations in terms of drug use (p=0.041, p<0.05) and selfmonitoring (p=0.048, p<0.05), which were sub-dimensions of the self-care scale, but there was no significant difference between two populations in terms of the total self-care agency scores (p=0.768). It was determined that there was no significant correlation between the sub-dimensions of self-care agency and the year the refugees lived in our country and the months they underwent hemodialysis (p>0.05). Conclusion: It was observed that in chronic hemodialysis patients, the situation of meeting their self-care was the same in the refugee and native populations, while the refugees were insufficient in the use of drugs and the native population in self-monitoring. It is thought that it is necessary to get support from a hospital interpreter in order to eliminate language problems while giving self-care training to refugees, and it is thought that it will be appropriate to conduct the study with groups with different chronic diseases.
  • Öğe
    Life quality, depression, and anxiety levels in parents of children with primary immunodeficiency
    (WILEY111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ, 2023) Kaplan Sarıkavak, Sibel; Sarıkavak, Talat; Türkyılmaz Uçar, Özge; Aydoğmuş, Çiğdem; Çeliksoy, Mehmet Halil
    Background: Primary immune deficiencies (PID) encompasses genetic disorders that result in recurrent infections and immune dysregulation, often increasing the risk of malignancies. The aim of this study is to determine the quality of life, depression, and anxiety in parents of children with PID. Methods: Various validated assessmenttools, including theBeck Depression Inventory (BDI), State and Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), the 36-item Short Form Survey (SF36), and a demographic form, were employed to gather data from 85 parents of 64 PID patients and 85 parents of 75 healthy children. Results: The findings reveal that parents of PID patients exhibited higher BDI, STAI-S, STAI-T, and fatigue subdomain of SF-36 (p=?.013, p=?.013, p=?.027, p=?.000). Both parents had lower energy levels than the normal population, but mothers experienced higher levels of anxiety and depression. PID mothers' had higher scores than fathers of PID patients with healthy children in BDI, STAI-S, and STAI-T (p=?.002, p=?.010, p=?.001). Mothers of PID patients reported lower scores in RLEP, E/F, EWB, P, and GH compared to fathers (p=?.009, p=?.005, p=?.034, p=?.001, p=?.003). Additionally, the study found that STAI-T influenced all subdimensions of HRQOL. These results highlight the substantial emotional and psychological burden placed on parents caring for children with PID. Conclusion: The study underscores the importance of supporting caregivers to enhance the overall well-being of both parents and children with PID. Such support can potentially alleviate depression and anxiety levels among parents, ultimately improving their quality of life and aiding in the management of children with PID.
  • Öğe
    Determining the Frequency of Restless Legs Syndrome in the Adult Population
    (GALENOS PUBL HOUSEKacamak Sokak 21/1, ISTANBUL, Findikzade 34093, TURKEY, 2023) Kıskaç, Neşe; Zorlu, Mehmet
    Objective: Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a chronic disease that usually occurs in the legs, resulting in involuntary movement of the legs with uncomfortable sensations. RLS negatively affects the quality of life of individuals. In this study, it is aimed to increase awareness by determining the frequency of RLS in the adult population. Methods: The study was a descriptive and cross-sectional study. In the study, 565 individuals aged 18 and over participated. The data were collected online from individuals with the form of describing the personal characteristics of the individuals, the RLS Diagnostic Criteria Questionnaire, and the RLS Severity Rating Scale. IBM SPSS statistics 26.0 program was used in the analysis of the data. Results: In this study, the frequency of RLS was 17.5% and the severity score was 19.22±6.97 (moderate). The rate of admitting to a health institution due to the symptoms of individuals is 5.8%. In this study, the frequency of RLS was found to be significantly higher in those with diabetes, hypertension, age, and high body mass index. Conclusion: Although most of the participants in this study had symptoms of RLS, it was seen that they were not admitted to a health institution. If these individuals are not treated, their quality of life gets affected negatively, and this negatively affects the quality of health care. In order to increase the quality of health care, RLS should be screened especially in risky groups and treatment should be started in determined patients.
  • Öğe
    Assessment of the Effectiveness of Patient Education and Interviews in Improving Medication Adherence of Renal Transplant Recipients
    (CUREUS INCPO BOX 61002, PALO ALTO, CA 94306, 2022) Akşit, Naile; Özbaş, Ayfer; Akıncı, Serkan
    Background Non-compliance with immunosuppressive drugs has been reported as the most significant cause of graft loss. Since non-compliance with immunosuppressive drugs is preventable, certain approaches based on the risk factors and causes of non-compliance can help eliminate this problem. Aims The purpose of this study is to assess the effectiveness of patient education and interviews in improving medication adherence of renal-transplant recipients. Materials and methods This study was designed as a randomized controlled trial. Using the G*Power program, the sample size was calculated as 60 subjects, with 30 in both the intervention group and control group. Data collection tools included a patient information form, a pretest-posttest, a drug monitoring form for kidney transplant patients, the Immunosuppressive Therapy Adherence Scale, measurement of tacrolimus blood levels, and a training booklet. Results The mean knowledge score in the intervention group was 12.17±3.39 at baseline, and it increased to 20.73±1.57 after the intervention. The mean scores on the Immunosuppressant Therapy Adherence Scale were 11.67±0.55 and 10.70±0.99 in the intervention group and control group, respectively. There was a statistically significant difference between the pre-test and post-test means on the Immunosuppressant Therapy Adherence Scale in the intervention group. The mean Immunosuppressant Therapy Adherence Scale score was higher in the intervention group. In the measurement of tacrolimus blood levels, medication adherence was found the be higher in the intervention group. The difference between the groups was statistically significant. There was a positive correlation between the tacrolimus blood levels and the Immunosuppressant Therapy Adherence Scale scores in both groups.
  • Öğe
    Extracellular directed ag NPs formation and investigation of their antimicrobial and cytotoxic properties
    (ELSEVIER, RADARWEG 29, 1043 NX AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 2019) Dumlupınar, Berrak; Şeker Karatoprak, Gökçe; Öçsoy, İsmail
    The use of microbial cell culture a valuable tool for the biosynthesis of nanoparticles is considered a green technology as it is eco-friendly, inexpensive and simple. Here, the synthesis of nanosilver particle (AgNP) from the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, gram (+), Bacillus subtilis and gram (-), Escherichia coli was shown. In this field we are the first to study their the antimicrobial effects of the microorganisms mentioned above against pathogens and anticancer activity on MCF-7 cell line. Silver nanoparticles in the size range of 126-323 nm were synthesized extracellularly by the microorganisms, which have different cell structures. Optical absorption, scanning electron microscopy, and zetasizer analysis confirmed the silver nanoparticles formation. Antimicrobial activity of AgNPs was evaluated the minimum inhibition concentration and disc diffusion methods. AgNPs inhibited nearly 90% the growth of Gram-positive Listeria monocytogenes, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Gram-negative Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis bacterial pathogens. Anticancer potentials of AgNPs were investigated by MTT method. The synthesized AgNPs exhibited excellent high toxicity on MCF-7 cells and had a dose-dependent effect on cell viability. Especially AgNP 2 eliminated 67% of the MCF-7 cells at the concentration of 3.125 mu g/mL. We found that extracellular synthesis of nanoparticles from microbial culture may be 'green' alternative to physical and chemical methods from the point of view of synthesis in large amounts and easy process.