Ameliorating Climate Change Impacts on the Built Environment

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Horizon Research Publishing

Erişim Hakkı



Climate change has been a serious hindrance to developing the built environment for decades, endangering the innovative ambition to achieve the Agenda 2030 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). As a result, adaptation and mitigation strategies are attracting increasing interest on the world stage, and organizations are working together to provide a better built environment for human habitation. Through empirical research technique, this study provides adequate information that is lacking in past studies on how to attenuate the consequences of climate change on the built environment as an urban landscape and subsequent needs for human adaptability. This study's goals are as follows: (i) to explore the predictors of climate change indicators, and (ii) to suggest climate change mitigations and adaptation strategies. Logistic regression analyses of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software package Version 22 (version 22), were used to explore the quantitative survey via descriptive analysis to obtain frequencies, percentages, mean scores, and standard deviations. Similarly, the consequences of climate change in the built environment, as determined by Principal Component Analysis, were explored. The study’s outcome includes [i] important predictors of climate change, and [ii] Approaches for minimizing the effects of climate change. The study's findings revealed that reducing the consequences of climate change on the built environment will improve and safeguard the urban landscape for several decades to come. Parts of the study’s recommendations include urgent actions toward integrating climate change interventions into government decisions, initiatives, and management in Nigeria. © 2023 by authors. All rights reserved.


Anahtar Kelimeler

Adaptations; Built Environment; Climate Change; Mitigation; Nigeria


Civil Engineering and Architecture

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