Estimating Discharge of Nitrogen in Zero Water Exchange at I-Sharp Setiu, Terengganu, Malaysia, Based on System Dynamic Approach

dc.contributor.authorLola, Muhamad Safiih
dc.contributor.authorKamil, Anton Abdulbasah
dc.departmentİstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesien_US
dc.description.abstractThe present study was designed to display the integrated model of nitrogen discharge process (i.e. nitrites and nitrates; ammonia; chlorophyll and dissolved nitrogen, dissolved oxygen) which is part of the complete model of shrimp aquaculture of an Integrated Shrimp Aquaculture Park (i-Sharp) ecosystem in System Dynamic Model Aquaculture-System Policy (SD-AQEP). This study offers a comprehensive elaboration concerning the long-term process of nitrogen accumulation, as well as its effects on shrimp activities. Furthermore, the analysis of the model and the simulation results also show the conditions of nitrogen with several strategies for control and manipulation. For example, in situations where mixing of stock density is high and providing feed into ponds supplies is excessive, the nitrogen dynamic rapidly hits alarming levels. Aforementioned, the typical strategy in this setting such as stocking density and the best time to harvest could be established. Additionally, the model structure represents the discharge derived from the nitrogen process on varied settings of variables in aquaculture development. In conclusion, this model provides an experimental simulation platform that can be implemented by policy makers on long-term strategic management for developing or maintaining large-scale aquaculture development projects in the future. © 2021 Technoscience Publications. All rights reserved.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipMinistry of Higher Education, Malaysia, MOHEen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipThis study supported by Niche Research Grant Scheme (NRGS) for Setiu Wetland Development P1(R) (Second Phase) Vote No.: 53131/30, Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia. Acknowledgement for Terengganu Economic Development Tphoinsd sptoupduylastiuopnsp,o pratretidc ublayrlNy fiocrh seh rRimespe aanrdc phh Gytorapnlatn Sktcohne. mel a(rNgeR sGcaSle) afqoura cSuelttiuure W deevtellaonpdm eDnet vpreolojepcmts.e Tnhte proposed P1(R) More im(Second Phase)portantly, the typical Vote feeding No.system : 53131/30, Miniwas applied model can also be of interest among students and learners, stry of Higher Education Malaysia. Acknowin this sledgeettingm eent for speciallyT, ereto ngganu control tEhconome nitrogic Deen levvelopmel inent Unit teaching a(UPEN), YDnd researching SM, enviroSnetimeu ntDistrict al sciences, as well yields, which led to unprecedented exponentially growing as environmental management. Welfare and Safety Committee (JKKK) and Setiu Overall Population for providing insights during ammonia levels, which also reflected the phytoplankton intresult for nutrients in the pond system. erview and questionnaire sessions.The model offers an experimental simulation laboratory, where numerous Rother EFERENscenarios CEand S questions pertaining to the long-termen_US
dc.publisherTechnoscience Publicationsen_US
dc.relation.ispartofNature Environment and Pollution Technologyen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.subjectNitrogen system dynamics approach sustainability zero water exchangeen_US
dc.titleEstimating Discharge of Nitrogen in Zero Water Exchange at I-Sharp Setiu, Terengganu, Malaysia, Based on System Dynamic Approachen_US
