A Security Enhanced Chaotic-Map-Based Authentication Protocol for Internet of Drones

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IEEE-Inst Electrical Electronics Engineers Inc

Erişim Hakkı



The Internet of Drones (IoD) extends the capabilities of unmanned aerial vehicles, enabling them to participate in a connected network. In IoD infrastructure, drones communicate not only among themselves but also with users and a control center. This interconnected communication framework holds promise for various applications, from collaborative decision-making to real-time data exchange. However, the expansion of communication in IoD also introduces new challenges, particularly in terms of security, privacy and authentication. Unfortunately, the current authentication protocols are inadequate in offering robust security features against various attacks in the IoD environment. To address these security issues and limitations, we proposed a secure protocol for the IoD environment using chaotic maps and hash functions. In addition, we also employed a physically unclonable function in the development of the proposed protocol. We assess the security of the protocol through both informal and formal security analysis. The formal security analysis is conducted through a widely used random or real (RoR) model. The informal analysis shows the rigorous security features against various attacks, such as masquerading, anonymity violation, and physical cloning attacks. Moreover, we compare the performance of the devised protocol with similar existing protocols across important performance parameters, such as communication overhead, computation overhead, and security features. The devised protocol provides a 67.86% and 17.80% reduction in computation and communication overheads, respectively, as compared to related protocols. The analysis demonstrates the proposed protocol's capacity to support secure communication in the IoD environment and satisfy desirable security attributes.


Anahtar Kelimeler

Protocols, Security, Drones, Authentication, Chaotic communication, Chebyshev approximation, Biometrics (access control), Anonymity, authentication, impersonation attack, mutual authentication, security


Ieee Internet of Things Journal

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