A comparative framework analysis of the strategies, challenges and opportunities for sustainable smart cities

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Emerald Publishing

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The goals of the contemporary environment in this new era of the Internet of Things (IoT), digital technologies (DTs) and smartisation are to enhance economic, social and environmental sustainability while also concentrating on the citizens' quality of life. As these initiatives advance, more determination is required to offer effective approaches to the problem posed by the accomplishment of the Sustainable City Project in Nigeria as a developing nation. To address these problems and facilitate the process for Nigeria's major cities to become 'smart cities', universities, research institutions and other stakeholders must collaborate alongside. This chapter aims to establish a model or framework that addresses urban intelligence, social inclusion, resilience and technological innovation, mobility, urbanisation and residents' quality of life. The reviews of the characteristics and management of smart cities in developed countries were documented to serve as a comparison study of the cities in African sub-Saharan regions. This will assist in building models that can produce predictions about possible smart solutions in the areas of mobility, urban infrastructure and ecological problems brought on by climate change in African cities. This chapter brings attention to the body of knowledge by envisioning the benefits to the government and citizens in making appropriate decisions to enhance sustainable development, a better resilience environment, improved infrastructure, smart city environments and residents' quality of life. The study's implications centre on how the government could prioritise urban features and services as indicated in the smart cities framework. © 2024 Oluwagbemiga Paul Agboola and Meryem Muzeyyen Findikgil. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited. All rights reserved.


Anahtar Kelimeler

Cities' resilience; Digital technologies (DTs); Internet of Things (IoT); Smart cities framework; Smartisation; Sustainable cities


Fostering Sustainable Development in the Age of Technologies

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