Khan, Muhammad AyazGhani, AnwarObaidat, Mohammad S.Vijayakumar, PandiMansoor, KhwajaChaudhry, Shehzad Ashraf2024-09-112024-09-112021978-166543208-5 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Computing, Cybersecurity and Informatics, CCCI 2021 -- 15 October 2021 through 17 October 2021 -- Virtual, Online -- 173220As digital content transmission through the internet is convenient and quick, so the outspread of digital content is very high. However, along with this incredible speed and ease, current communication technologies and computers have also brought with them plenty of digital rights management complications. Digital Rights Management Systems are designed to limit the access to the utilization, alternation, and distribution of persevered digital content. This article scrutinized two recent schemes of Lee et al. and Yu et al. and it is found that these schemes are suspected to an insider attack, stolen smart-card attack, Daniel of services (Dos) attack, and impersonation attack. Furthermore, their proposal also suffers from incorrect issues. To fix these flaws, a robust anonymous authentication scheme using biometrics for Digital Rights Management System is proposed in this article. The proposed scheme is checked for correctness and its security is proved through BAN logic. The performance of the scheme is also analyzed using computation time and communication time. The results show that the designed scheme is highly secure with the same computation and communication cost as the existing protocols. © 2021 IEEE.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessAccess control; Anonymous authentication; Biometric authentication; Digital rights management; Mobile user authenticationA Robust Anonymous Authentication Scheme using Biometrics for Digital Rights Management SystemConference Object10.1109/CCCI52664.2021.95832192-s2.0-85119278734N/A