Aygül, YasinOvalı, İsmail2018-12-112018-12-112017-12-062149-01042149-5262https://hdl.handle.net/11363/553Dual phase steels have been widely used in many applications in the automotive industry. In this study, the wear behavior of commercially available DP600 steel with dual-phase structure are investigated. The wear rate, volume loss and friction coefficient are used to optimize wear resistance of DP600 steel with dual-phase. Abrasive and Adhesive wear tests were carried out to determine the abrasive friction coefficient of the DP600 steel. Experimental studies show that the ferrite and martensite phases based on microstructures of the DP600 steel with dual-phase structure have an effect on tensile and wear tests. The wear resistance of DP600 steel can be controlled and optimized with wear condition (the wear rate, volume loss and friction coefficient).eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessResearch Subject Categories::TECHNOLOGYThe Investigation of Wear Behaviour of Dual Phase Steel DP600Article