İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü2024-07-012024-07-012024’S 18 TEAMS ARE GETTING READY FOR TEKNOFEST LIKE A STORM! TEKNOFEST 2024 Technology Competitions, where the world’s largest technology competitions, will be held in 46 different categories and 117 sub-categories this year. In the competitions where young people, graduates and professionals from all education levels, from primary school to university and above, can participate, more than 55 Million TL of material support will be provided to the teams that pass the preliminary elimination and transportation and accommodation support will be provided to the teams that make it to the finals. Furthermore, more than 30 Million TL will be awarded to the winning teams. 18 teams operating within Istanbul Gelisim University attract attention at Teknofest, one of Turkey’s most prestigious technology competitions. Gelisim UniversityBulletinsWeekly BulletinsWeekly Press Release of Istanbul Gelisim University (19-23 February 2024)Other233