Çetinkaya, AliÖztürk, OnurOkatan, Ali2019-04-302019-04-302019-03-292149-01042149-5262https://hdl.handle.net/11363/1145Abstract- Repetitive tasks in the manufacturing industry is becoming more and more commonplace. The ability to write down a number set and operate the robot using that number set could increase the productivity in the manufacturing industry. For this purpose, our team came up with a robotic application which uses MNIST data set provided by Tensor flow to employ deep learning to identify handwritten digits. The system is equipped with a robotic arm, where an electromagnet is placed on top of the robotic arm. The movement of the robotic arm is triggered via the recognition of handwritten digits using the MNIST data set. The real time image is captured via an external webcam. This robot was designed as a prototype to reduce repetitive tasks conducted by humans. Keywords MNIST Handwritten Digit Recognition, Deep Learning, Embedded System Robotic Arm Controleninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United StatesResearch Subject Categories::TECHNOLOGYControlling A Robotic Arm Using Handwritten Digit Recognition SoftwareArticle511523