İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü2024-02-272024-02-272024 IS SEEN IN ONE OUT OF EVERY 2 PEOPLE IN TURKIYE: POSSIBLE TO REDUCE IT WITH CRANBERRY FRUIT! “Fatty liver disease”, one of the most common health problems of today, is seen in one out of every four people in the world. Stating that this rate is higher in Turkiye and seen in one out of every 2 people, Nutrition and Dietetics Specialist Asst. Prof. Dr. Merve Bayram: “As a result of our 8-week study with cranberry fruit, we found that the consumption of cranberry fruit reduced body weight, body fat ratio and waist circumference’’. Gelisim UniversityBulletinsWeekly BulletinsWeekly Press Release of Istanbul Gelisim University (22-26 January 2024)Other229