Xing, LicongUdemba, Edmund NtomTosun, MerveAbdallah, IbrahimBoukhris, Imed2023-03-272023-03-2720230968-08021099-1719 study seeks to investigate the possibility of achieving Chinese climate and sus-tainable development goals (SDGs) with technological innovations and renewableenergy policies. Currently, China is ranked first in global emissions. Hence, we utilizedChinese data of 1996Q1 2018Q4 to investigate the policy implication of technologi-cal innovation and renewal energy towards its climate goals. Economic development,technology, energy and environmental policies are incorporated in our study for clearinsight on the impact of technology and renewable energy on China's climate goals.We adopt different scientific approaches (structural break, bound method of co-inte-gration, autoregressive dynamic lag-ARDL dynamics and granger causality test) forboth quantitative and theoretical analyses. Our discussions and policy inference arebased on the findings from ARDL and granger causality analyses. Findings from ARDLtests debunk the inverted U-shape EKC hypothesis for China. Technological innova-tions and renewable energies are found impacting favorably on Chinese environmentby reducing carbon emissions. Output derived from Causality supports the resultsfrom ARDL with nexus established amongst the selected instruments. From the find-ings, we conclude by advocating for policy to be framed on renewable energy sectorthrough investment and technological boosting towards a SDG for China.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAn error occurred on the license name.China's sustainability studyeconomic growthEKCenergy policytechnological policyurbanizationSustainable development policies of renewable energy and technological innovation toward climate and sustainable development goalsArticle11510.1002/sd.25142-s2.0-85150449803Q1WOS:000946063500001Q1