Ateş, Gizem2023-07-082023-07-0820222148-42872148-7189 Isaac ASIMOV, I, Robot (Ben, Robot) Ekin ODABAŞ (translated by.) İstanbul: İthaki, 2020, 238 p. ISBN: 978-605-375-604-0 There are many pervasive debates about the pace and impact of technological development. These are made from the perspective of humanity pursuing its passions, pushing its limits, and pushing its limits. Isaac Asimov's book "I, Robot" does not represent this perspective, nor does it include inferences made for minorities, those whose rights have been violated or disadvantaged groups of society. With a utilitarian approach, it reviews the impact of robots produced to serve the common purposes of humanity in the future human-business-society trilogy. As a result, it is necessary to see the search for solutions to the basic problems of humanity, the acceleration of the development of artificial intelligence technologies, and the adaptation of the society-individual level to the change by putting the business in the center in terms of international trade and business literature.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United StatesKitap incelemeleriBook ReviewsIsaac AsimovBilimkurguScience fictionBook Review - 2: I, RobotReview Article92753754