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  • Öğe
    Editorial Comment: Laparoscopy versus robotic-assisted pyeloplasty in children: Preliminary results of a pilot prospective randomized controlled trial
    (Brazilian Society of Urology, 2020) Silay, M.S.; Danacioglu, O.; Ozel, K.; Karaman, M.I.; Caskurlu, T.; Faria, Eliney F.
    [No abstract available]
  • Öğe
    Is there a relationship between infertility and fertilin ? protein distribution?
    (Ediciones Doyma, S.L., 2022) Gundogan, Gul Ipek; Irez, Tulay; Bozkurt, Hasan Hakan
    Introduction: Fertilin ? is a sperm surface protein that can mediate sperm-egg membrane interaction. This study was conducted to determine whether the expression of fertilin ? after intrauterine insemination (IUI) in donors with normal parameters after standard semen analysis is related to low success rate or failure of fertilization. Methods: We examined the sperm of 30 male donors who have normal as controls, oligozoospermia, and unexplained infertility as the clinically indication for IUI. Fertilin ? has been labeled with the ADAM2 antibody by indirect immunofluorescence (IF) assay. To evaluate the reproducibility of the test, we selected four sperm samples scale of 0 to +++ according to the distribution of fluorescence label. Results: The results were highly correlated with the corrected total cell fluorescence (CTCF) (Rp = 0.9972, P < 0.05). We suggest that the relationship between infertility and fertilin ? may be due to the distribution of this protein on the sperm surface. Male partners of couples with unexplained infertility showed a low distribution of fertilin ? by a decrease of the fluorescence signal in the IF labeling (scale of +++ by 7.4 ± 10.32%, P < 0.0001, ±SD). Discussion: Abnormal fertilin ? function may be a potential mechanism that could lead to fertilization failure. © 2022 Asociación Española de Andrología, Medicina Sexual y Reproductiva
  • Öğe
    The Impact of HPV Diagnosis and Abnormal Cervical Cytology Results on Sexual Dysfunction and Anxiety
    (MDPI, 2023) Aker, Seda Şahin; Ağar, Eser; Tinelli, Andrea; Hatirnaz, Safak; Ortaç, Fırat
    Background: The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of HPV diagnosis on the sexual function and anxiety levels of Turkish women. Methods: A total of 274 female patients who tested positive with HPV were included in the study and categorized into four groups: Group 1 (HPV 16/18 with normal cytology), Group 2 (HPV 16/18 with abnormal cytology), Group 3 (other high-strain HPV with normal cytology), and Group 4 (other high-strain HPV with abnormal cytology). All patients filled out the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) at the time when they tested positive for HPV and during the two-month and six-month follow-ups. Results: Significant increases were observed in BAI scores in all four groups, whereas significant decreases were observed in total FSFI scores in Groups 1 and 2 only(p < 0.05). BAI scores of Groups 1 and 2 were significantly higher than those of Groups 3 and 4 (p < 0.05). FSFI scores of Groups 1 and 2 measured during the sixth-month follow-up were significantly decreased (p = 0.004 and p < 0.001, respectively). Conclusions: Our findings suggest that patients with HPV 16 and 18 positivity and abnormal cytological findings are more likely to have high anxiety and sexual dysfunction. © 2023 by the authors.
  • Öğe
    Comparison of Classification Success Rates of Different Machine Learning Algorithms in the Diagnosis of Breast Cancer
    (Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention, 2022) Ozcan, Irem; Aydin, Hakan; Cetinkaya, Ali
    Objective: To identify which Machine Learning (ML) algorithms are the most successful in predicting and diagnosing breast cancer according to accuracy rates. Methods: The “College of Wisconsin Breast Cancer Dataset”, which consists of 569 data and 30 features, was classified using Support Vector Machine (SVM), Naive Bayes (NB), Random Forest (RF), Decision Tree (DT), K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Logistic Regression (LR), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), XgBoost (XGB), Ada-Boost (ABC) and Gradient Boosting (GBC) ML algorithms. Before the classification process, the dataset was preprocessed. Sensitivity, accuracy, and definiteness metrics were used to measure the success of the methods. Result: Compared to other ML algorithms used in the study, the GBC ML algorithm was found to be the most successful method in the classification of tumors with an accuracy of 99.12%. The XGB ML algorithm was found to be the lowest method with an accuracy rate of 88.10%. In addition, it was determined that the general accuracy rates of the 11 ML algorithms used in the study varied between 88-95%.Conclusion: When the results obtained from the ML classifiers used in the study are evaluated, the efficiency of the GBC algorithm in the classification of tumors is obvious. It can be said that the success rates obtained from 11 different ML algorithms used in the study are valuable in terms of being used to predict different cancer types. © This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International License.
  • Öğe
    Evaluation knowledge, attitude, and behaviour for breast cancer among young women living in two different habitats of Turkey
    (Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention, 2018) Üçüncü, Muhammed Zübeyr; Üçüncü, Merve Müge; Toprak, Dilek
    Background: Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer among women in Turkey and worldwide, and is ranked as the second-leading cause of death in women after lung cancer. Early diagnosis of breast cancer is possible, and breast cancer is included in cancer-screening programs in Turkey. The aim of this study was to evaluate the knowledge, attitude, and behaviour of young women (older than 20 years of age) on breast self-examination and breast cancer screening methods, and to determine the effect of sociodemographic characteristics. Methods: A total of 489 patients were included in the study. The mean age of participants was 36.53 ± 11.22 years. 346 (70.8%) of the participants were married. The study was a cross-sectional, non-randomized study in public health. The participants in this study were women over 20 years old, who presented to Arnavutkoy State Hospital General surgery policlinic and Sisli Hamidiye Etfal Family Medicine policlinic. Results: The rate and duration of breastfeeding were higher among participants living in rural areas than those living in urban areas (p < 0.001) The awareness of breast cancer increased as the level of education increased (p < 0.001). Having a family history of a high incidence of breast cancer significantly increased the rate of breast self examination practice by 1.93 fold (p=0.016). Conclusion: Breast Cancer is a disease that can be treated 100 % with early diagnosis. Primary care physicians especially works in lower socioeconomic conditions have to tell the importance of early diagnosis of breast cancer, and properly explain breast self examination and other screening tools. © 2018 Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention.
  • Öğe
    Early-stage quantitative analysis of the effect of laparoscopic versus conventional inguinal hernia repair on physical activity
    (Editura Celsius, 2015) Ciftci, F.; Abdulrahman, I.; Ibrahimoglu, F.; Kilic, G.
    Aim: To compare the effects of laparoscopic versus conventional inguinal hernia repair techniques on patients' physical activity. Materials and Methods: Ninety-three patients (between 20 and 59 years old) who presented with a need for inguinal hernia repair at the private Safa Hospital, General Surgery Clinic, were evaluated prospectively between November 2011 and March 2013. The patients' mean age was 46.1 (±12.9) years. They were divided into three groups according to hernia repair technique. Thirty underwent total extraperitoneal repair (TEP), 31 had transabdominalpreperitoneal repair (TAPP) and 32 had modified Bassiniprolene mesh grafting (MBPMG). All patients were examined in the physical therapy and rehabilitation unit just before and after the operation. Lower extremity muscles' isokinetic and isometric functions were measured with the Cybex isokinetic testing device. Patients' length of stay in hospital, need for analgesics in the postoperative period, visual analogue scale (VAS) scores, time of return to work and postoperative complications were also compared. Results: Patients' need for postoperative analgesics, the use of VAS scoring system (between 0-10), complication rates and the patients' VAS scores on movement results were similar to those in the literature. On the postoperative third day, measurements recorded by the Cybex isokinetic testing device showed that the loss of strength in the lower extremities after the MBPMG procedure was greater than with TAPP and TEP. The isokinetic and isometric assessment of all cases revealed that postoperative mean muscle strength loss was two-thirds less in association with the laparoscopic procedure. Within a 95% confidence interval (CI), the significance of findings was accepted at P-values of less than 0.05 (p<0.05). Conclusion: The quantitative data showed that there is a more favourable impact from laparoscopic hernia repair versus open surgery on patients' physical activity and return to active work.
  • Öğe
    Relationship between abnormalities on high-resolution computerized tomography, pulmonary function, and bronchoalveolar lavage in progressive systemic sclerosis
    (Mattioli 1885, 2016) Cakmak, Gulfidan; Can, Tuba Selcuk; Gungogdu, Sule; Akman, Canan; Ikitimur, Hande; Musellim, Benan; Ongen, Gul
    Introduction and aim: Progressive systemic sclerosis (pSS) is a multisystemic connective tissue disease characterized by fibrosis of the skin and internal organs including lung. The mechanisms that leads to progressive lung fibrosis in scleroderma remain obscure. In this study, we aimed to investigate the correlation between HRCT findings and patients' clinical and functional status and the degree of alveolitis based on the BAL results. Materials and methods: 65 patients with pSS were evaluated. Thoracic HRCT, pulmonary function tests, and dyspnea measurements were applied, and BAL was performed. The parenchymal abnormalities identified on HRCT were coded, and scored according to Warrick et al. Results: Among parameters investigated, a correlation was found between the number of segments with subpleural cysts and the duration of disease. Also there was a correlation between the HRCT score and patient age whereas no correlation was detected between the duration of the disease, manifestation of the symptoms, and the x-ray findings. A correlation was found between the percentage of neutrophils detected in BAL and the extent of the honeycombing on HRCT. Conclusion: This study showed a strong correlation between the extent of x-ray abnormalities and FVC, RV, and DLCO, as well as an increase in the percentage of BAL fluid neutrophils in patients with SSc-PI. © Mattioli 1885.
  • Öğe
    An unusual presentation of Trevor's disease at the ankle joint: Involvement of both medial and lateral epiphyses
    (Churchill Livingstone, 2018) Uygur, Esat; Demiroğlu, Murat; Aydin, Davut; Kiliç, Bülent; Özkan, Korhan
    Introduction: Trevor's disease, also known as dyplasia epiphysealis hemimelica, is characterised by osteochondromas arising from epiphyses. The disease typically affects one side of an epiphysis (usually the medial side). Case presentation: A case in whom both the medial and lateral sides of the epiphysis were involved is described. Thus, the use of the descriptor “hemimelica” is not always appropriate. Conclusion: Although rare, Trevor's disease should be kept in mind during the differential diagnosis of patients with ankle pain and a mass. Other possible joints should be examined to explore multiple involvement. Surgical treatment, only on lesions causing impingements, may improve functional status and reduce pain. © 2018 Elsevier Ltd
  • Öğe
    Retraction note: The effect of energy consumption on the environment in the OECD countries: economic policy uncertainty perspectives (Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (2021), 28, 37, (52295-52305), 10.1007/s11356-021-14463-8)
    (Springer, 2024) Zakari, Abdulrasheed; Adedoyin, Festus Fatai; Bekun, Festus Victor
    The Publisher has retracted this article in agreement with the Editor-in-Chief. An investigation by the publisher found a number of articles, including this one, with a number of concerns, including but not limited to compromised peer review process, inappropriate or irrelevant references, containing nonstandard phrases or not being in scope of the journal. Based on the investigation's findings the publisher, in consultation with the Editor-in-Chief therefore no longer has confidence in the results and conclusions of this article. The authors disagree with the retraction. © The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2024.
  • Öğe
    Retraction Note: Roadmap for climate alliance economies to vision 2030: retrospect and lessons (Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (2021), 28, 28, (37459-37470), 10.1007/s11356-021-13380-0)
    (Springer, 2024) Adedoyin, Festus Fatai; Bekun, Festus Victor; Alola, Andrew Adewale
    The Publisher has retracted this article in agreement with the Editor-in-Chief. An investigation by the publisher found a number of articles, including this one, with a number of concerns, including but not limited to compromised peer review process, inappropriate or irrelevant references, containing nonstandard phrases or not being in scope of the journal. Based on the investigation's findings the publisher, in consultation with the Editor-in-Chief therefore no longer has confidence in the results and conclusions of this article. The Publisher has not been able to obtain a current email address for author Andrew Adewale Alola. Authors Festus Fatai Adedoyin and Festus Victor Bekun disagree with the retraction. © The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2024.
  • Öğe
    Retraction note: Modelling the interaction between tourism, energy consumption, pollutant emissions and urbanization: renewed evidence from panel VAR (Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (2020), 27, 31, (38881-38900), 10.1007/s11356-020-09869-9)
    (Springer, 2024) Adedoyin, Festus Fatai; Bekun, Festus Victor
    The Publisher has retracted this article in agreement with the Editor-in-Chief. An investigation by the publisher found a number of articles, including this one, with a number of concerns, including but not limited to compromised peer review process, inappropriate or irrelevant references, containing nonstandard phrases or not being in scope of the journal. Based on the investigation's findings the publisher, in consultation with the Editor-in-Chief therefore no longer has confidence in the results and conclusions of this article. Author Festus Fatai Adedoyin has stated that the authors disagree with this retraction. © The Author(s) 2024.
  • Öğe
    Assessment of Resonant Voice Therapy in the Treatment of Vocal Fold Nodules
    (Mosby Inc., 2019) Saltürk, Ziya; Özdemir, Erdi; Sari, Hüseyin; Keten, Seda; Kumral, Tolgar Lütfi; Berkiten, Guler; Tutar, Belgin
    Objective: This study aimed to evaluate objective and subjective changes in the voices of adults with vocal fold nodules who received resonant voice therapy. Methods: Twenty-six female patients who had bilateral vocal fold nodules and 30 healthy women were included in the study. Patients were treated with vocal hygiene education and resonant voice therapy. Voice records were obtained for acoustic and aerodynamic analysis. Fundamental frequency, jitter, shimmer, and noise-to-harmonic ratio were analyzed for acoustic analysis. Maximum phonation time was used for aerodynamic evaluation. Voice Handicap Index 10 was completed by patients for subjective assessment. After 8 weeks of therapy analyses were repeated. Results: Stroboscopic analysis revealed that 14 patients had total and 9 had partial regression. Fundamental frequency increased from 152.27 ± 28.34 to 199.56 ± 11.25 in study group and this was statistically significant. Jitter, shimmer, and noise-to-harmonic ratio improvements were also significant. Voice Handicap Index scores decreased from 22.25 ± 3.82 to 8.92 ± 5.48 and this was statistically significant. Conclusion: Our finding that resonant voice therapy improved objective and subjective parameters of vocal function in patients with vocal fold nodules indicates that it is an effective treatment for VFNs and should be considered a therapeutic option. © 2018 The Voice Foundation
  • Öğe
    Minor hemoglobins HbA2 and HbF associate with disease severity in bipolar disorder with a likely protective role of HbA2 against post-partum episodes
    (Elsevier B.V., 2013) Ince, Bahri; Guloksuz, Sinan; Altinbaş, Kürat; Oral, Esat Timuçin; Alpkan, Latif Ruhat; Altinoz, Meric A.
    Background: There exist studies indicating that bipolar disorder (BD) associates with changes in brain blood flow. Human brain with its high demand to oxygen constitutes 2% of the total body weight, while it receives 20% of cardiac output. and 3 globin chains of hemoglobin were recently found in neural tissues, yet no study has questioned blood hemoglobins in BR Methods: A total of 120 euthymic BD patients (40 males and 80 females) were analyzed via high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to measure minor hemoglobin levels, which were statistically compared with disease characteristics. Results: Minor hemoglobins HbA2 and HbF associated positively with episode density as a measure of disease severity in BR An increased level of HbA2 meant significantly less postpartum episodes in child bearing women. HbF levels were higher in patients with a positive family history of any psychotic disorder. Sum of HbA2 and HbF correlated with episode density with a stronger significance (p <0001) supporting intermittent hypoxia hypothesis in BR Limitations: The study was conducted only on euthymic patients to avoid likely bigger exogenous effects such as electro-convulsive therapy and diverse drug regimes, yet larger comparative studies are needed to support our current findings. Conclusions: Higher HbA2 and HbF in more severe bipolar disorder may be compensations against intermittent hypoxias in BR HbA2 increases following myocardial angina and in mountain dwellers, which may indicate protective roles in extreme conditions. HbF increase may act more as a maladaptation or emerge via haplotypal associations of BD genes and gamma-globin locus at II p155. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Öğe
    Cutaneous adverse effects due to personal protective measures during COVID-19 pandemic: a study of 101 patients
    (Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2021) Mushtaq, Sabha; Terzi, Erdinc; Recalcati, Sebastiano; Salas-Alanis, Julio C.; Amin, Sanober; Faizi, Nafis
    Background: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a viral illness caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 which spreads via droplets from an infected person. There has been an unprecedented rise in the use of personal protective equipment and practice of personal hygiene measures against COVID-19. The extended use of protective measures (PM) can lead to ill effects on the skin. Our aim was to investigate PM-induced dermatoses amongst healthcare workers and the general population during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted over a period of 2 months. The study subjects were patients who presented to dermatology outpatient clinics or sought teleconsultation for skin problems related to the use of PMs against COVID-19. A detailed history was obtained and cutaneous examination was documented for all the patients in a pre-set proforma. Diagnoses of the adverse skin effects were formulated based upon history and clinical examination. Results: A total of 101 cases with cutaneous adverse effects due to the use of PMs against COVID-19 were included in the study. The general population and healthcare workers were affected similarly, comprising of 54.5% and 45.5%, respectively. The mean age of the study participants was 36.71 ± 15.72 years. The most common culprit material was soap and water (56.4%). Contact dermatitis was found to be the most common adverse effect in the majority of our patients (72.3%). The most common symptom reported was pruritus (45.5%). The wearing of personal protective equipment for a longer duration was significantly associated with multiple symptoms (P = 0.026). Conclusion: The enhanced use of different PMs against COVID-19 can result in a variety of adverse skin effects. In our study, the use of soap and water was the most common culprit PM, and contact dermatitis was the most common adverse effect noted. © 2020 the International Society of Dermatology
  • Öğe
    The ameliorative effects of Nigella sativa, thymoquinone, and bentonite against aflatoxicosis in broilers via AFAR and Nrf2 signalling pathways, and down-regulation of caspase-3
    (Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2022) Ates, M.B.; Ortatatli, M.; Oguz, H.; Ozdemir, O.; Terzi, F.; Ciftci, M.K.; Hatipoglu, F.
    1. Aflatoxins (AFs) are metabolites which especially have toxic effects on proteins, and are detoxified by the aflatoxin-B1 aldehyde reductase (AFAR) pathway. In this pathway, the aldo-keto reductase family 7, member A2 (AKR7A2) enzyme, which is controlled by nucleic-related erythroid factor 2 (Nrf2), plays an active role. However, data on the efficacy of this critical pathway in broilers is limited. 2. The aim of the following study was to investigate the changes in the expression levels of AKR7A2, Nrf2, and caspase-3, and the effects of Nigella sativa seeds (NS), thymoquinone (TMQ), and bentonite (BNT) in broilers exposed to AFs. 3. One-hundred broilers were divided into ten groups (control (CNT); AF; NS; TMQ; BNT; AF+TMQ; AF+NS; AF+BNT; AF+BNT+NS; AF+BNT+TMQ) and fed for 28 d. AF, TMQ, NS and BNT were added to diets at levels of 2 mg/kg, 300 mg/kg, 50 g/kg and 10 g/kg respectively. 4. The addition of AF to the diet decreased AKR7A2 and Nrf2 levels dramatically, but increased caspase-3 (P < 0.01). TMQ, NS and BNT additions to the diet eliminated all negative effects caused by AF (P < 0.01); and AKR7A2 and Nrf2 were further raised in TMQ and NS groups when compared to the control group. TMQ and NS showed a positive effect on detoxification parameters when given together with BNT. 5. Supplementation with NS and TMQ enhanced AF detoxification via the AFAR pathway, by increasing AKR7A2 and Nrf2 levels, in addition to reducing hepatocyte apoptosis. © 2021 British Poultry Science Ltd.
  • Öğe
    The Evaluation of Forgivingness, Patience, Positivity and Mental Well-Being in Fibromyalgia Patients
    (Societa Editrice Universo, 2022) Ozbayrak, S.S.; Sucuoglu, H.
    Objective. A versatile and comprehensive approach is required for the treatment of Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), which is characterized by multiple physical and psychological symptoms. Highlighting the psychopathology of FMS, might enable us choosing more suitable treatments. From these perspective, we planned to search the character strength and somepersonality traitsas Forgivingness, Patience, Positivity and Mental Well-Being, which are not searched before in FMS patients. Method. Female patients with widespread musculoskeletal pain meeting the ACR 2010 Fibromyalgia criteria and age- and sex-matched control group were included to the study. All participants were asked to complete a semistructured sociodemographic and clinical data form. The Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQR) was filled. Trait Forgivingness Scale (TFS), 3-Factor Patience scale, Positivity scale and Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale (WEMWBS) were performed. Results. A total of 50 female patients with FMS and 36 age- and sex-matched healthy controls were evaluated. The scores of WEMWBSand Positivity Scale were significantly low in FMSgroup (p<001, p<0.001). There were no statistically significant difference in TFSand 3-FPSscores (p=0.751,p=0.364, respectively) (Table 2). There were no statistically significant correlation between parameters in FMS group. Conclusion. The study provides useful insights into the domains of some personality traits of FMS patients. Altough positivity and mental well being were found significantly low, there were no difference in patience and forgivingness. Copyright © Società Editrice Universo (SEU)
  • Öğe
    Arthroscopic Assisted Percutaneous Screw Fixation of a Postage Stamp Anterior Glenoid Fracture
    (Galen s.r.o., 2021) Yildirim, K.; Beyzadeoglu, Tahsin
    Bio-absorbable anchors are widely used for Bankart repair in shoulder instability surgery. Suture anchor placement for labral repair may give rise to osteolysis and/or create stress risers in the glenoid rim, which may be the underlying reasons for glenoid rim fracture with a fracture line passing through previous anchor placement sites, the so-called “postage stamp fracture”. Intraarticular fractures of the glenoid have been treated via open reduction and internal fixation through an arthrotomy, which may lead to potential postoperative complications like infection, neurovascular injuries, joint stiffness, and a long recovery period. Thus, arthroscopic techniques for the reduction and fixation of glenoid fractures have been developed. We present a case of anterior glenoid rim postage stamp fracture 9 years after glenohumeral instability surgery in a 29-year-old male. The fracture and recurrent instability were treated via arthroscopic Bankart revision repair and arthroscopic assisted percutaneous screw fixation, where the arthroscopic fracture reduction and definitive fixation were performed separately and before Bankart repair, which is different from the techniques defined in the literature previously. The patient was able to return to work at 6 weeks, to fitness training without pain or restriction at 3 months, and contact sports 6 months postoperatively. © 2021, Galen s.r.o.. All rights reserved.
  • Öğe
    Are unilateral or staged bilateral total knee arthroplasty really safer than simultaneously bilateral TKA, or is it a myth?
    (ARSMB-KVBMG, 2018) Arslan, Aydin; Utkan, Ali; Ozkurt, Bulent
    The purpose is to evaluate feasibility of simultaneous TKA in comparison with staged and unilateral procedures. Number of patients included: 72 simultaneous bilateral, 61 staged bilateral and 222 unilateral TKAs were included. The mean age in the simultaneous group was lower than the other groups. Heart failure as comorbidity was observed less in the simultaneous TKA group than the other two groups. There was no significant difference between simultaneous and staged groups with respect to postoperative WOMAC and SF36 scores. Rates of thrombotic complications and mortality were not different. There was no significant difference in terms of wound healing, periprosthetic infection and TKA revision rates. Younger age and heart failure as a comorbidity were found to be decisive in the selection of simultaneous procedure. Thus, in the case of advanced bilateral knee osteoarthritis, simultaneous bilateral TKA should be performed after a proper preoperative risk assessment when there is a medical rationale, or the patient's personal preference. In the light of aforementioned conditions, hesitancy about simultaneous TKA seems unnecessary. © 2018, Acta Orthopaedica Belgica.
  • Öğe
    Adaptation and Validation of the Post-Pandemic Health Promotion Behavior of Young Adults in the Digital Age (PS-SGD) Scale in the Turkish Population
    (MDPI, ST ALBAN-ANLAGE 66, BASEL, SWITZERLAND, CH-4052, 2024) Koç, Mustafa Can; Yıldırım, Elif; Özdurak Sıngın, Rabia Hürrem; Talaghir, Laurentiu-Gabriel; Iconomescu, Teodora Mihaela; Karakaş, Neşe
    Background: Young adulthood is a critical developmental period in which individuals establish life-long health behaviors and take responsibility for their own health care. Health promotion strategies tailored to young adults, leveraging digital tools, and addressing challenges exacerbated by events like the COVID-19 pandemic are needed. The aim of this study was to adapt the postpandemic health promotion behavior of young adults in the digital age (PS-SGD) scale to the Turkish population in order to assess and compare the health behavior of young adults after the pandemic. Methods: A total of 312 participants, aged between 19 and 29 years, were included in the study via non-probabilistic criterion sampling, while the Turkish adaptation process started with translation and back translation methods performed with three language and two health science experts. For statistical analysis, EFA and CFA were conducted to evaluate internal consistency and structural validity. Confirmatory factor analysis was utilized to confirm the structure of the six sub-dimensions. Additionally, measurement invariance was examined regarding participants’ gender to determine if the scale accurately captured similar traits across diverse groups. The relationship between the test–retest data was tested by Pearson correlation to measure consistency and its invariance over time. Results: The gender distribution of the sample was found to be 61.3% female and 38.7% male. According to the results of EFA, items 8 and 18 were removed from the Turkish-adapted version. As a result of the reliability analysis conducted with the Turkish version of the scale, the Cronbach alpha coefficient was obtained as 0.851 for the post-pandemic health promotion behavior. Additionally, the scale was rated as reliable with the following Cronbach alpha values: 0.79 for the “personal hygiene”, 0.78 for “dietary habits”, 0.72 for “using mobile devices”, 0.70 for “emotional health”, 0.68 for “health care and physical activity”, and 0.51 for “social health” sub-dimensions. To examine the six sub-dimension factor structures of the scale, fit indices were calculated as ? 2/df (1.722), GFI (0.894), IFI (0.908), TLI (0.892), CFI (0.907), RMSEA (0.048), and SRMR (0.057) and were within acceptable limits. Findings of the multi-group confirmatory factor analysis for measurement invariance were less than or equal to 0.01 for the ?CFI and ?RMSEA values across all indices. Consequently, it was observed that the item–factor structure, factor loadings, variances, covariances, and error variances of the scale were equivalent for both male and female young adults, while test–retest results showed a high positive correlation. Conclusions: The Turkish version of the post-pandemic health promotion behavior scale of young adults in the digital age scale, consisting of 25 items and six subscales, was proven to be a valid and reliable tool to measure health promotion behavior in young adults aged 19–29 years.
  • Öğe
    Exploration on terrorism, ecological footprint and environmental sustainability in countries with the most terrorism antecedent: Accessing evidence from panel fourier analysis
    (ELSEVIER SCI LTD, THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLAND, 2024) Kılıç, Cüneyt; Soyyiğit, Semanur; Bayar, Yılmaz; Bekun, Festus Victor
    Amidst increased concerns for global security and ecological balance, the intricate interconnectedness between terrorism and environmental sustainability has attracted significant attention in the existing literature. To this end, the present study explores the interaction among environmental degradation, terrorism, and foreign direct investments in 17 countries with the most terrorism antecedents over the 2002–2018 period through the Panel Fourier cointegration test and the Panel Fourier Toda-Yamamoto causality test. The present study also leverages recent and robust panel analysis for evidence-based results and inferences for policy formulation. The panel Fourier cointegration test presents the cointegration relationship between the outline variables under review. Empirical findings highlight that terrorism does not have a significant influence on the ecological footprint. However, foreign direct investment has a positive influence on the ecological footprint. These findings have implications for environmental sustainability and foreign direct investment inflows in the bloc investigated. More insights are discussed in the concluding section with policy caveats.