Bioactive Components of Berry Fruits and Their Effects on Human Health

Küçük Resim Yok



Dergi Başlığı

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Cilt Başlığı


Sidas Medya A.S.

Erişim Hakkı



Berry fruits and their products are known as “functional foods” and have a growing interest in the food industry. Berries have high antioxidant capacity and anthocyanin contents in comparison to other fruits, and they are considered to have protective effects on human health by reducing the risks and symptoms of diseases. Although Turkey is in a prominent position with fruit production, having in the fifth place in the world according to the 2019 Turkey Statistical Institute (TUIK) data, the amount of berry fruit production is low, and its importance is still poorly understood. For this reason, it is very important to increase the interest in berry fruits, which are thought to have a positive effect on health, in our country, both scientifically and economically in order to increase their production. This review aims to evaluate the bioactive compounds of berry fruits and their health effects on human with clinical studies conducted in the last decade. To reach this goal, a literature search was conducted in DergiPark, PubMed, Elsevier and Google Scholar databases and a total of 32 international clinical studies were included in this non-systematic review. No clinical human study was found in Turkey. Results showed that berry fruits have anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetes effect and protective effect on the cardiovascular system, effect of improved lipid metabolism, anti-hypertension effect, and reducing effect of colon cancer symptoms and beneficial effects on microbiota by positively affecting human health. More clinical studies are needed to understand the exact mechanisms and long-term effects. © 2022 Sidas Medya A.S.. All Rights Reserved.


Anahtar Kelimeler

Anthocyanin; Berry fruits; Bioactive compound; Functional food; Health effect


Akademik Gida

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