A General Overview of The Impact of Advergames on Consumer Purchase Behavior: A Literature Review

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Kadir Ulusoy

Erişim Hakkı



The rapidly changing nature of technology, the rise of digital games, and the constant evolution in the field of advertising have emphasized the significance of advergames (the fusion of gaming and advertising). This study aims to examine the potential effects of advergames on consumer behavior. The research was conducted through a documentary review method. Existing literature sources were meticulously reviewed to analyze the role of advergames in the advertising industry and their potential effects on consumer interest and purchase behavior. As a result of this review, strong evidence was obtained indicating the significance of advergames on consumer behavior. Advergames, by combining elements of entertainment, advertising, and gaming, generate positive emotions among consumers and stimulate increased interest in products and services. Additionally, the use of advergames was observed to potentially increase consumers' conscious or subconscious desire to purchase products or services. This research highlights the need to consider advergames as a potential factor in advertising strategies and their potential to significantly influence consumer purchase behavior. The role of advergames in the advertising industry is growing, and it is suggested that they may find a more prominent place in future marketing strategies. This study aims to contribute to the understanding of the impact of advergames on consumers and may pave the way for further research in this field.


Anahtar Kelimeler

Advergames, consumer behavior, consumer purchase intention, literature review


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